Monday, June 3, 2019


It’s been a lazy day today, finishing bits and pieces from the weekend and trying to clear my mind to think about next weekend. Saturday is the Diocesan Council. I have to preach and preside at the opening Eucharist. The main item on the agenda is Safeguarding, an issue which the Province is beginning to take seriously. The Provincial Officer is coming to lead a workshop on the subject. So the sermon has to be relevant to that and to financial business.
This afternoon Steve was stuck in Potch and so I took Ngata to the orthodontist. When we arrived I explained to the staff what this unknown white woman was doing bringing a black girl to the dentist – I must have safeguarding on the brain! The receptionist’s reply was that she had noted that Ngata seemed very at ease with me, so she was obviously on the same wave length. The surgery itself was open plan, no small rooms, just high backed couches for such as me to sit on while the patient was having treatment. Quite pleasant, as long as one of the other patients isn’t throwing a hairy fit.
On Sunday I am at the Cathedral first and then out to Matlwang, where they have done more work on their building which they want to show me. I am excited to see it.
I thought you might like these two pictures of supper time with the Diseko family – with Ngata in her mob cap!!

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